About Us

Wisconsin Sound Beginnings (WSB) is the State’s Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) program.

Our Mission

Wisconsin Sound Beginnings will identify all babies with hearing loss by working as a team to increase the number of Wisconsin infants who are screened and receive timely, individualized follow-up care. We will increase access to hearing-related services by nurturing existing collaborations and forging new ones and providing innovative outreach and nonbiased education to families, healthcare providers and community partners. By advancing early hearing detection and quality interventions, we provide children the opportunity to develop communication skills, cognitive abilities and social-emotional well-being.

Our Vision

All families will have equal access to a seamless system of early and continuous hearing screening, skilled and timely diagnostics and quality interventions to enable children with hearing loss to thrive.

Our Goals

  • Screen all babies born in Wisconsin by 1 Month of Age
  • Identify any babies with congenital hearing differences  by 3 Months of Age
  • Assure all babies identified as Deaf or Hard of hearing are enrolled in Early Intervention Services by 6 Months of Age

Our Performance

The Wisconsin Sound Beginnings Program is responsible for data collection and tracking as a way to assure that we are meeting the program expectations and follow-up families will have equal access to a seamless system of early and continuous hearing screening, skilled and timely diagnostics and quality interventions to enable children with hearing loss to thrive.