The EHDI Roadmap for Success:
Developing a Care Plan for the First Year of Life
Improving communication among Early Hearing Detection and Intervention providers and between providers and families can eliminated loss to follow-up and assure a sound beginning for Wisconsin infants.
Use this Toolkit to learn about:
- The Joint Committee on Infant Hearing Position Statement and the 1-3-6 Month Algorithm
- Improvement Strategies identified by the National Initiative for Children’s Healthcare Quality (NICHQ)
- Best Practice Guidelines and Tools for Improvement tested by the communities of practice in Wisconsin where they have successfully closed the follow-up gap.
EHDI Patient Checklist for Primary Care Providers
EHDI Guidelines for Pediatric Medical Home Providers
Standardize the process for documenting all newborn screening results in the hospital records
Record and report the results accurately to the state EHDI program via the blood specimen card
Standardize communications (written and verbal) with parents about newborn screening results
Verify the PCP/Medical Home before discharge (vital to ensure accurate follow-up)
Communicate did not pass results to the PCP/Medical Home as a modified critical value requiring confirmation
Identify two points of contact for families of infants who did not pass (i.e. a relative or friend
Provide clear communication about next steps
Schedule the follow-up appointment prior to discharge, stressing importance with families
Offer a referral to local public health for infants who did not pass