Meet the team...

Elizabeth Seeliger, AuD: Elizabeth spearheaded development of the WSB-Birth to 3 Program collaboration. The Director since WSB’s inception, she has worked as a clinical audiologist in a variety of settings, helping guide families through the process of hearing screening, diagnosis and intervention. She initiated the original AEIOu Research Study. She served on the Board of Directors for Hands & Voices HQ and its Wisconsin Chapter. She is a graduate of the UW-Madison Infant, Early Childhood and Family Mental Health Advanced Clinical Practice Certificate Program. She is the 2015 winner of the Antonia Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence.


Phone: 608-422-1254

Chris Kometer, MEd/LSLS Cert AVEd: Chris is the WSB CARES Coordinator and is a Teacher for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Chris brings nearly 30 years of experience to her role. She has experience teaching children who are D/deaf or hard of hearing in four different states in a variety of settings–public school, university clinic, statewide outreach, and most recently, 17 years in a non-profit agency as Program Director for Early Intervention services, working within the WI Birth to 3 Program. She has worked with children and families who use American Sign Language, Total Communication and Listening and Spoken Language (LSL). She received an Advanced rating in ASL skill level and also holds certification as a LSLS Cert AVEd.  She has also coordinated parent educational and support services, social-recreational events for children and families, sign language classes and larger family-focused events.


Phone: 262-777-1058


Lauren Burke, MS/CCC-SLP: Lauren is the WSB CARES Communication Specialist with an emphasis on Listening and Spoken Language. Lauren has worked within the Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program as a primary provider (Dane County) for seven years supporting infants and toddlers who are deaf or hard of hearing alongside and in partnership with their families. Lauren has experience using primary provider model, coaching, and teaming practices. She is working towards attaining certification as a Listening and Spoken Language specialist and enjoys supporting infants and toddlers and their families throughout the state. Lauren began her career as an Early Childhood Special Education teacher before pursuing speech and language (UW-Whitewater).


Phone: 608-280-1148

Connie Stevens, MA: Connie is the Parents Reaching Out Lead and coordinates Sounding Board Tuesdays, the WSB Family Listserve and other parent to parent support and social activities throughout Wisconsin. Connie began her journey in 1998 after learning her daughter was deaf. An applied sociologist by training, Connie researched best practices and resources for her family. She became a leader in parent-to-parent support serving as a Parent Educator and Director at Shore to Shore, leading parent support groups and sign language classes for five years. She was a founding member of Wisconsin Families for Hands & Voices and serves on the board of directors. Connie co-wrote and edited the “Babies and Hearing Loss Interactive Notebook.”


Phone: 608-577-3895